In this section, we will see two audiovisual resources and we will discuss about them, writing about the advantages and disadvantages of their implementations in the EFL Chilean schools.


1) Have you ever had a bad breakup?

*First of all, it is neccessary to watch the video that appears on the next link:


This resource could be especially used with adolescents. If the teacher wants to work with this video, it is important to note that the students are required to understand an intermediate level of English in order to have clear communication.

Positive things about this resource:

- It introduces a catching title for young people, which is related to relationships: "Have you ever had a bad break up"?

- It displays real interaction between two speakers who do not represent native English speakers.
- It presents a Transcript and a Video Quiz that the teacher and the students could use for a listening activity.

Negative things about this resource:

- The teacher will have to need extra gadgets to make the audio work in the proper way (e..g.  good quality speakers).
- The video image is obscure when proyected in front of the class.

2) What's this?


This resource is adressed to children. The aim of this is to teach the basic level of English vocabulary.
On the one hand, a positive thing of this resource is the kind of drawings due to they are funny for children and they are colorful. These images can be used by the teachers to make flashcards for their lessons.

 On the other hand, I consider that this video is useless because is not interactive, it is boring and can be easily replaced by a funnier activity created by the teacher himself/ herself, using flashcards and songs. I do not see positive things in presenting this video to the kids. As a result, one can see that this link displays a bad alternative. In this sense, one can conclude that we as future teachers cannot rely completely on all the teaching web sites that have different activities available to use. We must check, and be informed about the contents and quality of each resource.